CS 384g Computer Graphics Pretty picture (wavelet radiance)

Fall 2005

Subscribe to the CS384g Mailing List

To receive CS384g class announcements via email, you need to give your email address to the TA. We will circulate a sign-up sheet on the first day of class. If you miss this signup opportunity, you should instead send an email to the TA indicating what your preferred email address is.

Please do not send subscription or unsubscription messages to the course list itself!

A text-file archive of all of the class email messages is available here

The email list will serve two purposes: First, the instructor and TA will use it to communicate important information. You are responsible for reading all of emails from the instructor and TA in a timely manner. Second, anyone in the class may post to the list to correspond about anything cs384g related: looking for study partners, asking questions about confusing handouts, missed classes, etc. Please note that the instructor will not always be able to monitor these discussions on a timely basis.

If you have an urgent question, please send the TA an email with a SUBJECT line of:

Subject: CS384g?:

or come visit during office hours. Face-to-face meetings are still recommended, even in this high-tech world.

Last Modified : 8/11/05
by Bill Mark