CS 384g Computer Graphics Pretty picture (wavelet radiance)

Fall 2005

About the class

Course syllabus
Lectures: Tu/Th, 2:00-3:30pm, ESB 137
Unique #: 54210
(Cross-listed as CAM 384g - unique #65165)

Instructor: William Mark
  billmark@cs-utexas-edu, ACES 2.118
  Office hours: Th 5:00-6:00pm, or by appointment
TA: Peter Djeu
  Office hours: Mon & Tues, 1:00pm - 2:00pm
        in Taylor basement lab, or by appointment

Handouts & Assignments
Lectures and cool applets
Other course-related information

Errata for Watt textbook
Subscribing to the class email list
Instructional computer labs
Useful reference books for computer graphics
FLTK GUI toolkit
Useful graphics links

Acknowledgements: The web pages and course materials for this course are largely adopted from the CSE 557 course at the University of Washington, taught most recently by Brian Curless.