Title: High-performance ray tracing for dynamic scenes Time: T/Th 3:30-5:00 Location: GEO 2.202 Co-Instructors: Bill Mark and Don Fussell Description: Currently, most real-time image generation systems rely on the Z-buffer visbility algorithm, but the alternative ray tracing approach has the potential to generate higher-quality images. Recently, researchers have demonstrated that real-time raytracing has become computationally feasible, but most effort has been focused on static scenes. In this seminar, we will focus on the more challenging and relevant problem of raytracing dynamic scenes. We will take a whole-system approach to the problem, covering a variety of topics including rendering algorithms and data structures, scene management, and parallelization. Class format: The class will be taught in a seminar-style format. Some classes (especially at the beginning) will be lectures presented by the instructors, but most classes will consist of students presenting one or two papers. Assignments: - Programming assignments (beginning and middle of semester) - A significant final project (end of semester) -- the majority of the grade - In-class presentations of papers (throughout semester) Prerequisites: None, other than graduate standing or permission of instructor. A previous graphics class is useful but not required; we will quickly review the necessary graphics material. Familiarity with computer organization and architecture at the level covered in typical undergraduate curricula is expected. Topics: - introduction to graphics, rendering and ray tracing - basic ray tracing algorithms - spatial partitioning structures to accelerate ray tracing - scene management systems (e.g. "scene graph", "game engine") - procedural geometry: displacement and subdivision - working-set management for ray casting - parallelization of ray casting - parallel construction of spatial data structures - geometric level-of-detail techniques